Small But Important Things to Pack in Your Camper
Camping is one of the most family-friendly and fun ways to enjoy the great outdoors. Having the right supplies on hand, however, is essential for a stress-free and safe camping experience. We’ve compiled a camper packing list of commonly forgotten items you need before heading to the camp site. At home we have all the basics readily available, so when taking a trip to the outdoors, it’s easy to forget some of the essentials we take for granted on a day to day basis.
- Can & Bottle Opener
If you’re thinking about bringing non-perishable and beverages, don’t forget the opener! Non-perishables come in a variety of containers, but many in aluminum cans are impossible to open with any other device. Don’t be stranded hungry, thirsty and staring at an unopened, aluminum can on your next camping trip.
- Baby Wipes
Feelin’ a little sticky? Even if your camp site has shower facilities, make sure to pack baby wipes – they are great for a quick freshen-up and even better for little ones’ hands.
- Multipurpose Knife
Most people don’t generally keep track of the number of times they use a knife or pair of scissors on a day to day basis. The need for these tools don’t normally change while camping, if anything, you may need them more often; you may need to cut through rope, a stick or even to open a bag of charcoal. Keep one of these handy devices in your RV, car or camping supplies.
- Lighter/Matches
Remember that you may want to build a fire or start up your stove. Also, a blown-out match is a good way to release a tick from the skin. Keep a pack of matches or lighter in a small plastic zip bag in order to keep them fresh and dry… a.k.a. – working.
- Extra Batteries
In case your flashlight gets left on overnight you want to have extra batteries packed to keep your evenings illuminated. Batteries can also run out in portable fans, radios or kids’ toys. Keep these in a zip bag to keep them safe.
- Zip Bags
Zip bags are used for a multitude of reason while camping. You may need them for food prep, food storage, ice packs or leaky toiletry items.
A handy tip - Try packing snack bags into sandwich bags, and consolidate those into freezer bags for a variety of sizes in one pack.
- Towels
Nice shower, great dip in the pool, a spill just happened…. Uh oh. No towel? There are few substitutes for a towel so make sure to keep a couple in your go-to camping supplies.
- Tweezers
Ouch! Splinters can happen anytime, and nothing is peskier than having one stuck in your hand or foot. Make sure to pack a pair of tweezers. They can also be used as a small tool to unscrew things and pick up small objects that your fingers may be a bit too clumsy for.
- Bucket
Remember to pack a clean bucket in your RV or camping supplies. These work great for carrying toiletry items to and from, keeping water by the fire or as an impromptu waste basket.
The feeling you get when you forget something is bad, but realizing you forgot it at the exact moment you need it is even worse. Make sure you have the items on our RV packing checklist before heading to your campsite. You’ll spend more time enjoying the great outdoors and less time tracking down that nearby convenience store which isn’t so convenient.
Published: Mar 15, 2013
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